John Griessen wrote:
> Eric Brombaugh wrote:
>> John Griessen wrote:
>>> How about the code intensive hardware system developers that start
>>> a project with FPGA then migrate it to ASIC?  What language do they use -- 
>>> c++?
>> Typically they'll use a HDL like Verilog or VHDL. 
> OK for the HW.  But they are developing code in parallel.
> What  do those types use for code languages is what I'd like to know...
> I've been out of chip design work long enough to not know anymore.

Hmm - not quite sure what you're asking here. If you are referring to 
HW/SW co-development for situations like SoCs which have embedded 
processors, then yes - the folks on the SW side will usually be 
developing in Assy/C/C++ and using simulators/emulators to test code 
prior to getting silicon.


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