Dave McGuire wrote:
>> Apparently, programming for Windows is much more difficult than
>> programming for unix.
>    I've never seen it, but I'm told that the Windows API is actually  
> rather nice.  I suspect it's more a matter of more highly-skilled  
> programmers not working with Windows.  At least for the most part.

Windows is just way different.  There is no where near a 1:1 mapping of 
functionality in API calls between Windows and *nix.  And things that 
are efficient on one system can be awful on the other... fork() being an 
example of something that is notoriously expensive on Windows and highly 
tuned (usually) on *nix.  If you find one of those deeply embedded in 
the architecture of a program, it can make porting very painful.  And 
the Windows API specification is much more volatile.

Porting isn't easy.  And even if you decide up front to design for 
portability among Windows, OS X, and X-windows, there is no single, 
obvious, straight-forward strategy.


And don't ask me for more details.... I've purposely avoided Windows 
programming (because I could) and have fallen woefully behind on Windows 
programming methodologies.

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