I know there is some kind of sch2pcb script (I haven't tried it myself
so I don't know good it works), but I think there does need to be some
kind of lvs flow in gEDA. I planned on working on some type of lvs
flow between pcb and gschem but I haven't got around to it.

On Tue, May 12, 2009 at 5:08 AM, Stefan Salewski <m...@ssalewski.de> wrote:
> Just have seen a comment related to gEDA in a Blog of a Gentoo
> developer:
> http://stuartl.longlandclan.yi.org/blog/
>>One criticism I have of gEDA, it seems to treat the schematic and the
>>PCB as being two different things.  I find it awkward to move from
>>gschem to PCB and back again when designing a circuit.
> Not new, but maybe someone may send a short comment to him (there is a
> comments Link in his blog).
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