DJ Delorie wrote:
> I'm gearing up to populate a bunch of powermeter boards, plus the
> sdram board, and got the biggest digikey box I've ever gotten.  This
> time, it was cost effective to by reels of two of the parts, and many
> parts were ordered at the next price-point up (10 is cheaper than 9
> sometimes - I've got a TUBE of ethernet jacks now), so I'll have
> leftovers.
> How do people manage their parts inventories, so they know what
> they've got?

I use a MS-Works database. It lists the qty, part description and (very 
important) where is is stashed. For SMT stuff that I may need at client 
sites I use tiny jewel boxes that have around 50 micro-bins each in a 
2"*2"*1/3" space, stackable. No chance for labels or anything, without 
this database I would not have a clue what's where.

MS-Works comes pre-config'd on most PCs but I don't know if there is a 
Linux equivalent. The OpenOffice database is not useful IMHO. Look for 
something much simpler. You probably won't need 3D-graphed statistics 
about your usage of Ethernet jacks in correlation to sun spot numbers or 
so :-)

Regards, Joerg

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