The version of gattrib I'm using ( from the Debian lenny
repos) has the option to add a new attribute column (Edit > Add new
attribute column).

Having read the gattrib readme I'm confused by how this function behaves.

Say I have attributes A, B , and D in my schematic and I want to add a
new attribute C to all the components.

All my components have attribute information already entered for each
of A, B and D.

When I run gattrib, I get a table with column headings A, B and D with
data under each of the relevant columns.

If I add now a new column C then a new column heading for C is
inserted between columns B and D and the existing column D heading is
shifted one column to the right.

However, the existing column contents do not. So, the column contents
that were originally under column heading D are now under column
heading C whilst the column under heading D is empty.

If I save this then of course all the component attribute values that
were originally named D are now named C.

If instead, before I run gattrib, I add the new attribute to at least
one instance of a component in the schematic then of course when
gattrib is run the table has all four column headings A, B, C and D
with the attribute data in the right columns.

Is that the expected behaviour of this version of gattrib?

I ask because the current gattrib readme implies it is no longer
necessary to add the new attribute to at least one instance of a
component in the schematic.

Could somebody clarify this for me?



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