DJ Delorie wrote:
>> But if your computer and network gear uses anywhere close to half of 
>> your grand total I think that stuff needs some "greenification" 
>> attention. Even if it was 1/4 that's huge.
> Agreed, but keep in mind I work from home, so this is all high power
> equipment that gets used all day.  Not a lot of fiddle room.

Same here but since I do hardware there's lots of boat anchors such as 
HP analyzers to be fed with power. Still I don't even come close to your 

WRT to computers I've economized quite a bit. Mainly one quite 
power-savvy desktop, a laptop, plus a netbook that gets a whooping 8h 
out of one battery charge. Plus we usually don't run the A/C until it 
gets above 95F in the house, and even then mostly because our Rottweiler 
gets older and can't take it too well anymore.

Lighting is all CFL plus halogen task lights, LAN server is turned off 
when my wife calls for dinner, etc. I try to be diligent about power, 
like turning off the scope when I found a serious bug and it looks like 
it'll be more than 20 minutes to come up with a solution. Heck, even the 
new Weller iron has the green touch, if you don't move its handle for a 
certain time because you forgot about it in the heat to a lab bench 
battle it turns itself off.

Regards, Joerg

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