On Jun 11, 2009, at 1:18 PM, Stefan Salewski wrote:

>> Would anyone be opposed to having the netlister assume a :1 for net=
>> attributes without a colon?
> There was a patch for this available, but it did not make it in the
> official code.

There is a confusing collection of ways a one pin graphical symbol  
defines a net connection:

Power rail symbols use net=.

gEDA's native hierarchy uses IO symbols with refdes= corresponding to  
pinlabel= on the subcircuit symbol.

SPICE hierarchy uses IO symbols with refdes=Pn, where n corresponds  
to pinseq= on the subcircuit symbol.

Sometimes you need graphical=1 on the IO symbol and sometimes you  
don't. The rules are undocumented.

Is there a way to make this regular without sacrificing flexibility?

John Doty              Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

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