I've added the start of a test suite for pcb.  It checks the export 
HID's.  I haven't come up with good ideas for checking other aspects yet.

One trick is how to compare a generated output file to a stored 
reference one.  For example, the bill of materials and x-y (centroid) 
files contain the name of the person who generated the file as well as a 
date/time stamp.  So I use awk to clear out those bits followed by diff.

For RS274-X files, I run the reference and the generated one through 
gerbv to export both to png files and then do a pixel by pixel compare. 
  That way if we change comments or some other thing in our output that 
produces an identical mask, we're still ok.  But... the fab drawing 
includes the name of the person who generated it along with a date/time 
stamp.  I don't see a good way to clear that out and so of course I 
can't check fab drawings because I get a failure every time.

Would it make sense to teach pcb to accept a pair of new command line 
options that set the author name (--originator <name>) and a time stamp 
string (--time <time string>) to use in place of whats detected from the 
user info and the system time?  I could even see the --originator option 
being useful if you wanted to put a different name in the drawings.



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