Just curious, did you try spnet yet?

On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 4:15 AM, Christoph Lechner<cl0...@l-mx.de> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> John Doty wrote:
>> On Jun 24, 2009, at 3:22 PM, Christoph Lechner wrote:
>>> I'm planning a stepper motor card for 4 motors, so I wanted to put the
>>> motor drivers and all the stuff around in one subcircuit.
>>> The problem is that for example the out-1.sym instrace called HOME
>>> (=the
>>> HOME pin of the symbol) is renamed into HOME1 by gnetlist. I run
>>> gnetlist only on the subcircuit. Don't know if it's OK to do so ...
> Oh, I made a mistake. Of course, the components are renamed by
> refdes_renum and not by gnetlist! Didn't use gnetlist on that design
> because my progress has stalled since then.
>> In that approach, you run gnetlist on the top level schematic to
>> produce a flat netlist, as required by may (most?) printed circuit
>> layout programs. Running gnetlist on the subcircuit will treat the IO
>> connectors as physical components.
> Never made it to running gnetlist because the refdes problem is a
> show-stopper. But when looking at the gTAG example I found out that
> gnetlist has many options to make the netlist for your needs out of a
> hierarchical design.
> Do I really have to run refdes_renum on the subcircuit only?
> Is there a tutorial about subcircuits on the net explaining all the
> steps in detail?
> CU
> - - Christoph
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