Hi Michael,

On Mon, 2009-06-29 at 03:20 +0000, Michael Sokolov wrote:
> Bill Gatliff <b...@billgatliff.com> wrote:
<deleted stuff was here>
> Is someone reimplementing uEDA here?  How about the other way around?
> Anyone feel like porting the gschem GUI to operate on the uschem file
> format?  That's the only remaining piece that's missing from the uEDA
> solution.
> cvs -d anon...@ifctfvax.harhan.org:/fs1/IFCTF-cvs co ueda
> The documentation is still incomplete though.
> MS
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copy-pasting the cvs command to a Bourne shell on my workstation gives
that a password other than <Enter> is required.

Kind regards,

Bert Timmerman.

<logged output>
[MySandbox]$ cvs -d anon...@ifctfvax.harhan.org:/fs1/IFCTF-cvs co u eda
The authenticity of host 'ifctfvax.harhan.org (' can't be
RSA1 key fingerprint is 57:9b:73:ce:db:67:96:3b:e8:40:c1:1f:35:a6:82:29.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added 'ifctfvax.harhan.org,' (RSA1) to
the list of known hosts.
anon...@ifctfvax.harhan.org's password:
anon...@ifctfvax.harhan.org's password: Permission denied, please try

anon...@ifctfvax.harhan.org's password: Permission denied, please try

Permission denied.
cvs [checkout aborted]: end of file from server (consult above messages
if any)
</logged output>

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