On Fri, 2009-07-03 at 03:44 +1200, Anthony Blake wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> I've recently updated the toporouter website with some screenshots 
> showing the recent changes.
> http://www.wand.net.nz/~amb33/toporouter
> By the way, I could do with some more small to mid sized boards for 
> testing if anyone wants to send one through.
> Cheers,
> Anthony

Great, great pictures.

One (maybe silly) question: It was my impression that Gerber format
supports only line segments for traces, but your router use arbitrary
shapes. If we use multiple line segments in the gerbers to build the
traces then the file size should be very, very large?

If you ever need a larger board for testing -- my four layer DSO PCB is
nearly finished now, DINA 4 size, 1000 parts. Currently only a picture
is on my page, but I can upload the PCB file...

Best wishes,

Stefan Salewski

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