On Thu, 02 Jul 2009 10:55:51 -0700, Eric Brombaugh wrote:

> Nice rendering - esp. like the white background visible through the
> holes & the drop shadow. How do you do that?

A simple script layout-print.sh that postprocesses the png output of pcb 
with the convert utility from the imagemagick suite:

OUTPNG=`basename $PCBFILE .pcb`"_layout.png"

pcb -x png --photo-mode --dpi 600  --use-alpha --only-visible \
     --outfile /tmp/out.png $PCBFILE

convert /tmp/out.png \
   \( +clone -background black -shadow 75x20+20+20 \) \
     +swap  -background white -layers merge -resize 50% $OUTPNG

This was inspired by a posting on the mailing list, some months back, 
when photo realistic rendering was new. The shadow trick was taken from 
an imagemagick HOWTO.


PS: Big thanks to Ben for this awsome output mode!

Kai-Martin Knaak
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