On Monday 03 August 2009 20:37:22 Peter TB Brett wrote:
> On Monday 03 August 2009 20:31:45 Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
> > On Mon, 03 Aug 2009 11:47:32 -0500, John Griessen wrote:
> > > To let gsch2pcb run and update an open instance of PCB would be a nice
> > > feature...
> >
> > Like xgsch2pcb does?
> Shh, kmk, it's got a *GUI* and uses *IPC*. You'll scare him away with talk
> of such advanced wizardry!

Being serious, xgsch2pcb is brilliant and I use it for all my gschem/PCB 



Peter Brett <pe...@peter-b.co.uk>
Remote Sensing Research Group
Surrey Space Centre

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