On Fri, 2009-08-07 at 09:10 -0400, Dan McMahill wrote:
> total:  18.8 Mb

For most of us with fast internet access this is very small, but we
should in general case not forget that there exist people on earth with
slow, instable connection in third world countries. I can remember  at
least one message from south africa to this list about one year ago. But
of course 18.8 Mb is not really much, and I think most people in third
world will not be concerned with electronics.

> I see no real reason why we can't work towards a single unified build 
> where you can use --disable-foo to disable optional components if so 
> desired.
>  From a developer and user of git or cvs sources point of view, I'd 
> *much* rather run configure once instead of 9 (!) times.  Also parallel 
> make jobs can work with the unified system which can really help with 
> development speed.
> -Dan

Sure, parallel build is fine, and options --disable-foo not only for
docs and examples, but also gattrib, gnetlist, symbols would be great.

Is there a plan to fix file collision with gnetman? Currently gEDA
includes and installs gnetman symbols, which gnetman from sourceforge
installs also. So smart packages mantainers have to take care for this
for gEDA 1.4.3.

Best regards

Stefan Salewski

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