John Doty wrote:
[huge snip]
> I have no objection to wrappers. What I object to is the constant  
> demand to fix perceived problems by violating the fairly clean,  
> modular nature of the kit. Rather, we need to make things *more*  
> modular (e.g. get the hardwired behavior out of the gnetlist front end).

Would having a footprint browser popup in gschem when the user tries to 
add a footprint attribute violate the modular nature of the kit?

As an experience linux user, I appreciate the command-line power of gaf. 
  As a new gEDA user trying to get it done quickly, switching from the 
gschem gui to the cli grepping around got old.

I like the fact that there is a dropdown of common attribute names 
(right-click a symbol, edit), and that you can type in your own if you 
like.  Doing something similar in the Value box seems reasonable.  Or, 
perhaps a "browse footprints" button below the Value box (only visible 
when attribute is footprint).

On another note, how much resistance would there be to using regex 
(libpcre is already in there) when searching of footprint names?  This 
would be in both pcb, and the hypothetical gschem footprint browser.



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