Ladies and Gentlemen -
    I experimented with the footprints I had developed in a unique
directory (/home/comp/pwb_footprints) and had no success with "seeing"
them in the pcb tool. As a point of interest: When I start the pcb tool
this footprint library *directory* was identified, but the footprints
themselves were not. This occurred even though I gave the directive
--element-path to the pcb invocation.
    As an experiment, I created a "local" directory
under /usr/share/pcb/newlib. I moved the footprints into this directory,
changing the ownership to root with permissions of 644, and viola! - the
footprints come up correctly WITH the silkscreen around them.

SO, I will place all locally developed footprints into this directory.

Comments and questions are invited.

Tony Radice

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