On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 11:35 AM, Peter TB Brett <pe...@peter-b.co.uk> wrote:
> On Wednesday 30 September 2009 16:37:52 evan foss wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I just tried to generate color Postscript output in both
>> and and found that it won't work. Is
>> anyone else having this problem? My gschemrc file has
>> (output-color "enabled")      ; for color postscript output
>> (image-color "enabled")       ; for color PNG output (enabled by default)
>> copied from the wiki. Could someone please tell me what am I doing wrong
>>  here?
> As noted in the NEWS file (under 1.5.2 changes):
> * Major, *backwards-incompatible* changes to color handling in
>  `libgeda' and `gschem'.
>  - All colors are specified using hexadecimal `#RRGGBB' or
>    `#RRGGBBAA' syntax.
>  - The print and display color maps are now separate.
>  - A new Scheme syntax is used to inspect and modify color maps.
>  - If you wish to use a light background in `gschem', add the line:
>      (load (build-path geda-rc-path "gschem-colormap-lightbg"))
>    to your personal or project gschemrc file.
> Changing the display colour map *intentionally* doesn't change the print
> colour map (so you can optimise the colours for each). Unfortunately, PNG
> output still uses the display colour map (this is due to the way PNG output is
> implemented).
> To change the colours printed, you should edit (or copy and edit) the 'print-
> colormap-lightbg' file, and then edit your gafrc file to load it.  Look in the
> 'system-gafrc' to see how to do that.
> It should still be possible to swap between colour and B&W printing using the
> same mechanisms as before 1.5.2.  If this is broken, please file a bug report,
> including the gschemrc & gafrc files you used.

Thanks, that worked perfectly.


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