> Hello,
> I have not found a good way to set up my library, that is footprint that
> I need to make. At the present time I made the following directory:
> ~/geda/project (for schematics layouts), ~/geda/pcb-elements (my
> creation), ~/geda/footprint (for footprints downloaded), all this work
> OK, but I would like to be able to see the footprint picture like the in
> the original library the comes with pcb, there is time when I cannot
> remember the part name, see the picture would help.
> In the past I tried to add my footprint in the original library
> directory, that didn't work because I lose every time i make new update.
> It would be OK if I could make a new directory within the same library
> then I can save the directory before update or new installation which I
> tried but the directory does not show.
> Is there way to add parts and be able to view them when hi-light?
> Vinny   
> From: Kai-Martin Knaak <k...@familieknaak.de>
> On Sun, 04 Oct 2009 14:09:05 -0400, Vincent Onelli wrote:
> >  I would like to be able to see the footprint picture like the in the
> > original library the comes with pcb, there is time when I cannot
> > remember the part name, see the picture would help.
> Set the variable "library-newlib" to the path of your local library. You 
> can do this in the GUI:
>       File -> Preferences... -> Library
> Or you can edit the file ~/.pcb/preferences. Shut down all instances of 
> pcb first, because pcb overwrites this file on close.
I apologies for my ignorance, I am not sure that I enter the info
correctly. Here what I did: File -> Preference -> Library, then entered
~/geda/pcb-elements, which is my footprint directory but nothing has
changed anywhere. I also fallowed the example given in the preference ->
library, no change ether. what am I doing wrong?

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