On 10/27/09, Kai-Martin Knaak <k...@familieknaak.de> wrote:
> On Mon, 26 Oct 2009 03:52:46 +0000, Peter Clifton wrote:
> It does -- sort of.
> The command
> pcb -x eps --action-string 'DISPLAY(Value)' --eps-file foo.eps bar.pcb
> does indeed output a layout with values displayed, even if the last saved
> version of pcb showed refdeses.
> However, not all actions have the expected effect with the export eps
> export HID. For example,
>       --action-string 'SwapSides()'
> does not seem to change the output in any way. This particular action
> string option works fine if I present it to the GTK HID. My version of
> the patch showed the same room for improvement. Does the action itself
> know whether or not the current HID is a GUI?

Try the attached patch; it introduces SwapSides_nogui action for such
purposes. use it with --as-shown exporter option.

Well, it shows pads from the wrong side, but this is probably an
exporter feature, not the patch one.


Attachment: 0001-Add-SwapSides_nogui-action.patch
Description: Binary data

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