On 10/29/09, DJ Delorie <d...@delorie.com> wrote:
> I think the fundamental problem is that we're mixing core actions
> (like setting the layer stackup) with GUI actions (like which side
> we're viewing).

Sure. I feel this should remain unavoidable.

> That's why the png exporter has it's own "other side" option.

To be exact, the Ben mode of png exporter, which is
somewhat confusing IMVHO (why not in both modes?
and what is --as-shown for, then?)

> Perhaps we could extend the option which sets the visible layer stack
> to figure out (or specify) which side we're looking at, to at least
> set the side flag (but not any gui-specific flip/rotate settings)?

With my short-sighted mind I think I'd rather make
--action-string "SwapSides" a legal option
(currently, it segfaults with both GTK and Lesstif GUIs);
or (less intrusive and less elegant) add an action which would work
for this particular case; it seems to me that this would be slightly
more uniform from the user's point of view, even the latter case,
because it will fit also the batch GUI usage
(that action would work both from command-line and interactively,
whereas the option may be issued once per PCB run).

Though, by no means I'll mind if someone adds such an option, and
probably we (me and Kai-Martin) shall really use it.

> This is the option you use with, for example, the eps exporter to
> specify the layer stacking order.
> That way, we can set the "which side is up" flag separately from the
> GUI actions to arbitrarily reposition the board.

> Otherwise, we'd need to put the board orientation in the core, and
> that would complicate things like the GLX 3-d view, which has tons of
> position information, at the expense of simpler exporters like Gerber
> which don't have a board orientation.

But now it is not put in the core: both Lesstif and GTK have their own
flags for flip-x and flip-y; in it is only ShowSolderSide that is in the core;
I don't see why this must not be extented into the future.

And actually I was not speaking about modifying PCB at all,
I explained (in high degree, to myself) how the task may be accomplished
with current PCB.


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