On Sat, 2009-11-07 at 14:02 +0100, Chitlesh GOORAH wrote:
> hi there again,

> * Add pad, thermal and puller into sub directories in the examples directory
> dest=%{_docdir}/%{name}-%{version}/examples
> for d in thermal pad puller ; do
>    echo -n -e "... Fixing path of $d  \t"
>    mkdir -p $dest/$d
>    mv $dest/../$d.* $dest/$d
>    install -pm 0644 doc/$d.{pcb,pdf} $dest/$d
>    echo "done"
> done

I'm not sure I agree with this one.. 

Looking at the makefile, it would seem that the intention is the .pdf
file is not installed, as it is in fact a temporary build result on the
way to creating a larger piece of documentation. (pcb.pdf)

You also _break_ the HTML documentation by moving away the deliberately
installed .png / .gif files which it places there.

Since it doesn't appear the HTML docs use the .gif files, we ought not
to bother building them in the first place.

By all means delete the installed HTML files if you wish (along with
{thermal,pad,puller}.{png,gif}), but please don't install
intermediate .pcb of .pdf files.

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