On Mon, 2009-11-16 at 13:28 +0000, Ineiev wrote:

> I've rebased it already; however, I as usual shall be very grateful
> if you checkout it and tell me what is bad in that branch.
> (it is in Gitorious,
>  git clone git://gitorious.org/~ineiev/pcb/clon_ineieva.git
>  should work).

Just an aside - for those wanting to keep fetch-bandwidth down, and when
you have an existing checkout of some other related repository...

git remote add ineiev git://gitorious.org/~ineiev/pcb/clon_ineieva.git

or, since I just want to look at your "attributes" branch, I'll just
track that, so I do:

git remote add ineiev -t attributes 
git fetch ineiev 
>From git://gitorious.org/~ineiev/pcb/clon_ineieva
 * [new branch]      attributes -> ineiev/attributes

Then review as as patches like this:

git log -p origin/master..ineiev/attributes 

(Wow, that is a lot of code changes!)

Looks like many of them are ready to push, e.g. "update addresses,
dates, rm $Id$s" etc..?

I can't review properly at the moment though.. sorry, I've got to run!

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