Wow, that is a very similar project I am working on myself (although
our goals are different), did you do all the work yourself and how
long did it take? What ADC/DAC are you using and what processor are
you using for the data processing? What opamps are you using to drive
the video? Max resolution? Did you consider a HDMI interface instead
of component?

On Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 2:16 PM, Ben Jackson <> wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 01:47:48PM -0800, Anthony Shanks wrote:
>> I see, I actually like the black frame, I was just interested if any
>> company sold them for cheaper. I'll just use the digikey part.
> I'm sure they'd be cheaper in bulk from CUI.  Usually Mouser is a good
> place to check for connectors -- often they beat Digikey's prices.  I
> checked when I replied originally and they don't carry them.
>> May I ask what that project was in your screenshots?
> It takes in analog video, deinterlaces it, converts it to RGB, gamma
> corrects it, scales it and displays it on a 42" plasma panel.  I got the
> panels free with an ancient embedded PC driving them.  Watched Monday
> Night Football on it last night!  :)
> --
> Ben Jackson AD7GD
> <>
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