Stefan Salewski wrote:
> Is option --enable-toporouter-output only for debugging -- needs cairo,
> what does it?

Huh? That is only referring to the debugging output.. if that option is 
not enabled, the router will still try and exported geometry back to PCB.

> I tried :toporouter(), but have seen in list archive something
> like :toporouter(h31, ...)
> Is there a documentation for the parameters?

Those parameters are no longer current. There are a few new parameters, 
but they haven't yet been pushed through to the user interface.

If you want to have a play with new parameters, hybrid_router() in 
toporouter.c would be a good place to start. From there you can change 
stuff like the thresholds for ROAR, number of iterations, termination 
conditions (effort), order and frequency of wiring optimization passes.. 
the results can sometimes be quite interesting even with minor 
modifications. Just be careful not to waste too much time tuning for a 
specific board. I guess if someone had some time it wouldn't be too hard 
to push all that stuff through to a dialog in PCB.


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