On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 9:34 AM, Karl Hammar <[1]k...@aspodata.se>

     Can anyone recommend some good books on analog circuit design for
     audio, precision/low noise op.amp., emc, active filters and similar

   National Semiconductor use to publish the "Audio/Radio Handbook". IIRC
   a third party is now publishing it.
   Precision Monolithics (PMI) also had an audio handbook. Not as much
   detail as the National book.
   You may want to post on the synth-diy list as well.
   (* jcl *)

   You can't create open hardware with closed EDA tools.
   twitter: [2]http://twitter.com/jluciani
   blog:    [3]http://www.luciani.org


   1. mailto:k...@aspodata.se
   2. http://twitter.com/jluciani
   3. http://www.luciani.org/

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