> I've designed a circuit that I'm planning to home-fab, and as such,
> I've had to design my board using only a single layer.

I do 2 and 4 layers at home, no reason why you can't do a double sided
board.  Are you using sockets for all the ICs, or soldering them

The regular autorouter had no problem routing on two layers with 10
mil traces (one trace between pins), but you get bad power
distribution.  If you could put a ground/power plane on the top, and
route the LED signals around the edges on that side, it will leave
more room for signals on the bottom.  You might be able to get the
toporouter to route the rest of it then.

You'll have to manually route any component that can't be soldered on
both sides, but that's not as much of a problem as you think.  Also,
switching to SMT chips (like SOJ so they're not too small) makes it
easier to route signals underneath them (i.e. other side of the
board).  Plus, less holes to drill :-)

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