>Just a heads up that all remaining gEDA related services that are hosted
>on geda.seul.org may be in a period of unstableness in the coming week
>(due to an OS upgrade and maybe hardware upgrade).  I don't have a good
>feel for when (or how long) the outage will occur yet, but probably
>sometime this coming week.

        This downtime will start at 4pm (US EST).  The seul.org machine
will be down until tomorrow afternoon, probably until about 4-5pm.
Then in will take some time for various services to be restored.  Luckily,
most of gEDA is no longer dependent on seul.org except the following:

>1. geda-* mailing lists
>2. geda-* mailing lists archive
>3. wiki / documentation
>4. Any legacy web pages living on geda.seul.org
>5. irc server
>6. dist, devel, and release directories
>7. My e-mail: ahvezda AT seul.org (alt e-mail: ahve...@gmail.com).

        If somebody needs something badly during the downtime, send
me an e-mail to the alt e-mail address), however, it better be an
emergency.  Thanks,


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