You need to specify what to print first.

Before the tran command do something like:
gnucap> print tran v(nodes) i(D*) depending on what you want to see.

That worked! I was following someone elses tutorial, and they had omitted the print command, thank you. Now I am trying to view the results with gwave:

gnucap> print trans v(Vin, Vout)

gnucap> trans 1s 20s

#Time       v(Vin)     v(Vout)
 0.         0.         0.
 1.         0.         0.
 2.         0.         0.
 3.         0.         0.
 4.        -20.696p   -2.885p
 5.        -12.228p   -1.705p
 6.         0.         0.
 7.         0.         0.
 8.        -41.392p   -5.771p
 9.        -32.924p   -4.59p
 10.       -24.456p   -3.409p
 11.       -70.557p   -9.837p
 12.        0.         0.
 13.       -53.62p    -7.475p
 14.        0.         0.
 15.       -36.683p   -5.114p
 16.       -82.785p   -11.541p
 17.       -19.747p   -2.753p
 18.       -65.848p   -9.18p
 19.        0.         0.
 20.       -48.911p   -6.819p
gnucap> trans 0 1s 20s > gwave_out

gnucap> !gwave gwave_out

WARNING: (gnome gtk): imported module (gnome gobject generics) overrides core binding `connect' WARNING: (gnome gtk): `re-export-modules' imported from both (gnome gobject utils) and (gnome gw support modules) WARNING: (gnome gw generics): imported module (gnome gobject generics) overrides core binding `connect' WARNING: (gnome gtk): imported module (gnome gw gtk) overrides core binding `gtk-menu-popup'

and gwave shows up with correct Vin and Vout parameters, but no data is graphed?


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