Dear geda users,

I know it is off topic but I guess it is somehow related to PCB and
many of you face the same problem or found already a solution.
I am looking for a good set of micro probes to address single pins of
ICs or other SMD components on a PCB. I saw some kit which looks very
promising but a bit pricey [1] however, I'm still unsure about which
kind of systems exist and what might be considered as good and what is
actually not worse the money. Actually, I am looking for something to
contact single legs of SMD-packed ICs for debugging and testing
purpose. I tried a very cheap clamps [2], however, they are not really
good for my purpose and the clamps are weak and inaccurate. Most
probably o.k. for the price but I am looking for something more
reliable and precise.

I would welcome any suggestions or ideas. Please consider that I have
to order them maybe from a vendor with an international delivery
service or even better a Japanese branch or reseller.




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