On Fri, Feb 05, 2010 at 03:33:25PM -0600, Mike Crowe wrote:
> tools (AT91SAM9G45, Atmel ARM9).  The part is a 18 x18 =324 ball device
> ...
> Has anyone been making BGA parts with multiple symbol files?  

I've used PQ208 with one symbol per bank, one for general power (not
IO-bank specific) and one for config and strap pins.  All you have to
do is give them the same refdes and it's all one part as far as the
tools are concerned (actually I think you can suffix a lower case letter
if you like and it will be ignored, eg U1a, U1b, but I didn't do that).

> Can Alpha-number designators be used at all?  

I think so.  Like others I wrote my own boxsym program so I don't know
if DJ's is trying to enforce numeric pins.

Here's an example of a BGA on gedasymbols:


They have alphanumeric pin names.

Ben Jackson AD7GD

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