On Sat, 2010-02-06 at 06:26 -0500, gene glick wrote:
> Do you all use Latex for editing docs, or maybe open office or other? 
> I'm getting fed up with the open office bugs and starting to think that 
> Latex is a better alternative.  Busy compiling Lyx as we speak.
> Just curious if it works out well-

Lyx for the win.. I use it for reports and academic papers etc. It
really takes the hassle out of image conversion for LaTeX.

I've given up with the plain latex + dvips workflow, and am going
straight to using pdflatex. I only ever need pdf files, and it allows
you to use the rather-nice "microtype" package for better typographic
rendering than normal LaTeX - things such as expanding certain glyphs
(e.g. punctuation) into the margin to give a more optically straight
edge to your text.

pdflatex also supports .png and .jpg files natively - which is
(probably) better than .eps for some applications.

You can print gEDA schematics straight to pdf (I'm using my experimental
cairo printing code.. but you can convert from .ps), and include those
directly when using pdflatex (although Lyx can't preview .pdf graphics).

My "cairo_experiment" (or was it "local_customisation"?) branch of gEDA
can also copy+paste SVG data of a schematic into Inkscape - allowing you
to tweak the graphics - should you desire, and save as a .pdf.

This said, I still use OpenOffice Writer quite a bit - for short
letters, abstracts (when I don't have the time to play with all the
Latex stuff).

Best regards,

Peter C.

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