Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
I just got aware of the open source mechanical CAD project freecad. It hit the debian repository a month ago. Although it is still lacking important features, much of the basic infrastructure is already up and running. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FreeCAD_(Juergen_Riegel)

Have you, or anyone in the group, used FreeCAD for any useful work?
I just downloaded the source code for Linux and took a look at the docs. Although they may not be up to date (file date of Jan 7, 2010), they have no substance. It is proclaiming there isn't yet much in the way of GUI commands to implement the internal drawing functions.

I am looking for a free and Open Source mechanical drawing program to complement gEDA. i.e.: "Okay, we have the PWB out for fab, now let's design and document an enclosure!" I have been using gschem's drawing capability for much of my projects' mechanical documentation. For the most part, it is acceptable for that, however, gschem has a few limitations, such as lack of drawing ellipses for oval speaker cutouts, that real mechanical drawing programs support. FreeCAD looks promising on the surface; however, before I install and/or update a lot of Linux system support libraries for FreeCAD, I would like to hear from someone who actually found FreeCAD useful at this stage of its development (version 0.9.2646).

Girvin Herr

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