On Sat, 2010-02-27 at 00:44 -0500, Ales Hvezda wrote:
> http://hardware.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=1564716&cid=31289534
> Let me be the first to apologize. :-)  Although, a couple people have
> posted that gEDA's documentation lacks in places.  
> Any volunteers for: "Make a beginners interface that looks Eagle-ish".

We ought not to be striving for feature parity and competition with
Eagle - we should be looking to compete with higher-end tools like
Altium. It is no good owning the hobby market if the software isn't also
well suited to more complex designs. (Usability is still important!).

People have mentioned BRL-CAD as a feature competent 3D cad package. I'm
sure it is useful for lots of very complex tasks, but I will probably
never touch it due to the learning curve.

My personal interest is to see that gEDA is always suited to any
schematic or PCB design I want to make as a professional engineer, and
that it is easy enough to use that its user-base doesn't dwindle due to
lack of adoption.

Peter Clifton

Electrical Engineering Division,
Engineering Department,
University of Cambridge,
9, JJ Thomson Avenue,

Tel: +44 (0)7729 980173 - (No signal in the lab!)

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