On Sat, 2010-02-27 at 09:36 -0600, John Griessen wrote:
> Greg Cunningham wrote:
> > Winter in Pennsylvania, summer here in Tasmania.  need rsync & round-robin
> > dns.
> Rsync is being used for mirroring, but I'm not sure what the DNS setup is.
> Ping says it is alternating.  The mirror server was quick for a while
> after I added an A record at my hosting service's DNS server, but
> is back to slow unresponsive, and does eventually serve pages after multiple 
> attempts.
> How do you do round robin DNS?  I think DJs DNS server may still be on and 
> overruling
> mine.
> John

Sorry for the delay, but I have had a major electrical re-fit at work.
Long day...

The other guys have answered adequately.

I spoke without enough thought.  RR dns facilitates load sharing rather
than redundancy.  Someone else with more experience in fail-over may
offer a better suggestion.

Greg Cunningham <g...@crafty.homelinux.net>

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