I'll take a screen shot.  And send along the errors.  I have to
rebuild with the newest GTK+OSX.  In terms of the "XPM problems",  it
seems to be the XPM icons that don't show up, why that is I have no
idea, since gd and other programs have XPM support.


On Sun, Feb 28, 2010 at 2:46 PM, Dave McGuire <mcgu...@neurotica.com> wrote:
> On Feb 28, 2010, at 2:03 PM, Dave N6NZ wrote:
>>>>> Someone with a Mac might like to try building gEDA and PCB with a
>>>>> native
>>>>> version of GTK?
>>>> OK, I'll play dumb.  I recently built PCB from git after naively using
>>>> macports to make all the dependancies go away.  How is that different from
>>>> what I did?
>>> When you run PCB, does it require an X server? In this context, a
>>> "native" PCB would not need X11.app to run.
>> Ahhh... OK, I get it.  Yes, my build brings up the X server.  But other
>> than the start-up time, that doesn't bother me.  X11 is preinstalled as of
>> 10.6 (or maybe 10.5, I forget which) so the hassle factor is pretty minimal.
>  If you use X11 a lot (I use it all day, every day) it pays to just put it
> in your startup items so it's just sitting there running.  Starting it each
> time for every app is, well, pretty silly.
>            -Dave
> --
> Dave McGuire
> Port Charlotte, FL
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