On Mon, 8 Mar 2010 20:32:01 -0300, Facundo Ferrer
<facundo.j.fer...@gmail.com> wrote:

> When I ran on this server gnetlist alloc more than 95% of the RAM and at
> this point started to swap and when all the swap was allocated the 'top'
> command is not refreshed properly and I have a hard work trying to stop
> gnetlist.
> I made a second run stopping all the services and I left running on my
> work.
> Tomorrow I'll see the output but definitely there is something wrong with
> the netlister.

Hi Facundo,

I've been looking at your design, and it's making my machine fall over too.
The problem appears to be that the design hits some worst-cases in
gnetlists algorithms.

Unfortunately, there appears to be two options:

1) Rewrite gnetlist.  Unfortunately, it appears that the people who are
sufficiently familiar with gnetlist to attempt this don't have much time
right now.

2) Rework your schematics along the lines suggested by some of the other
people on the list.  For example, you could netlist each level separately
to a SPICE module, and then combine them at simulation-time.

Good luck!


Peter Brett <pe...@peter-b.co.uk>
Remote Sensing Research Group
Surrey Space Centre

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