SPICE has no understanding of pin numbers *at all*. Its abstractions
   are grounded in IC design where you have no pin numbers (at least
   internally). You'd have to provide a file mapping positional netlist
   connections to pin numbers. Another advantage of using a *flexible*
   schematic capture tool rather than a specialized one. In gschem you can
   specify both pin numbers (pinnumber= attribute) and pin position in a
   SPICE netlist (pinseq= attribute).
   I am starting to see the picture now, I am playing with gschem right
   now on my server.  I do see that this is a better way to input if it is
   going to go to layout afterword, but yes you do pay the price up front
   to save time using a netlist to help with the PCB layout.  It is a
   nightmare trying to check a complicated layout against a schematic,
   just praying that you aren't missing anything.
   I switched over to all Macs for workstations and lappys.  The only PC
   archetecture that I have up and running now is the server that runs
   FreeBSD.  I might want to install a fresh copy of Ubuntu on my wife's
   lappy.  I was not able to get X11 to work right with fink.  Mac ports
   seem to support more applications and is more familiar to me since I
   use FreeBSD.
   Chris Maness

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