On Apr 7, 2010, at 5:38 AM, Peter Clifton wrote:

> On Wed, 2010-04-07 at 14:23 +0800, Atommann wrote:
>> Hi,
>> 2010/4/7 Dave N6NZ <n...@arrl.net>:
>>> This may be an X-windows-on-Mac question, not a gEDA question, but...
>>> When gschem or pcb open on my macbook, the window is too tall, and the 
>>> resize grabber is off the screen on the bottom and I can't reach it to 
>>> resize the window.  Normally, not an issue since I immediately move the 
>>> window over to a nice big second monitor... but... when I am on the road, 
>>> this sucks hugely.
>>> So... is this an X-windows setting someplace? Or is there some place in the 
>>> source code where it asks for the screen size and opens over the whole 
>>> works? -- I'm building both gschem and pcb from sources so I can easily 
>>> tweak if that is the case.
>> When gschem starts up, it show:
>> ...
>> Read system config file [/usr/share/gEDA/system-gafrc]
>> Read system config file [/usr/share/gEDA/system-gschemrc]
>> Read user config file [/home/atommann/.gEDA/gschemrc]
>> Read init scm file [/usr/share/gEDA/scheme/gschem.scm]
>> ...
>> So, you can open /usr/share/gEDA/system-gschemrc and search for
>> keyword "window", read it and you will find how to change the initial
>> size of the gschem window :)
>> You can also add the following line to the file ~/.gEDA/gschemrc to
>> override the settings in system-gschemrc
>> (window-size 950 712)  ; Good size for 1152x864
> Looking at the code, I'm not sure that will actually do anything.. let
> me know if it works.

OK, great.  I will try that and report back.  That will be convenient if it 
does work.

Of course, someone reminded me that the green button on a Mac window will do a 
full-screen resize, which has the effect of reshaping an oversize window to 
something useable.  Another face-palm moment for me.

> We now have a file which remembers location and size of various windows,
> but not the main window - the window manager is in charge of that kind
> of thing.

Yes, which is an annoyance for me but not something it seems we can do anything 
about.  When at my desk, I run my Mac laptop with a 24" external monitor, which 
is of course the natural place for gschem, pcb, and any other CAD program.  But 
the Mac X Windows system always opens windows on the "first" monitor, which is 
the laptop screen, so I'm constantly dragging them over.  The native Mac 
applications using the Quartz window manager open where they were when the 
program last shutdown, assuming the monitor is still available.  For whatever 
reason, the Mac X Windows subsystem doesn't do that.


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