On Fri, Apr 23, 2010 at 01:00:20PM +0200, Miguel S?nchez de Le?n Peque wrote:
>    Hi all,
>    I'm a student interested in contributing to gEDA and learn some C ;-).
>    The biggest problem I find any time I start coding is "how should I
>    write this?". You're always talking about deprecated code, libraries
>    you're/you're not using, old style...
>    Could you tell me any book/reference you'd find necessary to learn
>    modern C programming? Or to learn how to use extended libraries as GTK
>    and glibc? Or any other library widely used in C programming... Maybe
>    there's no book for that, it's just programming experience... am I
>    right? (I hope not! xD)
>    Thanks in advance,
>    A student who is a bit confused about which is good modern C
>    programming style... :-)

As you described above, programming takes much more than knowing the 
syntax of a programming language. I suggest reading The Art of Unix 
Porgramming. This book doesn't directly help you in library selection or 
"modern C programming", but may help you develop a sense that would ease 
some of your decisions about how you approach the problems you listed.


Tibor Palinkas

P.S. a link to the online version: http://www.faqs.org/docs/artu/

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