
> I have looked at the wiki page above and found difference with my
> (standard) configuration.
> \ thin-draw toggles thin draw mode
> for me it only works with
> shift-\ or (|) thin-draw
> Is this an error in the wiki of in my configuration?

It is an error in the wiki (which I just corrected). 
Key accels seem to have evolved a bit since this page was thoroughly checked 
for the last time. I spotted the obsolete accel "shift-b" and a misleading 
description of "esc" as "enter panning mode". Some tab accels were missing 
as was "alt-a" to select all objects. The meaning of "shift-del" got 
transferred to "shift-backspace" and "shift-del" now deletes selected 
These are corrected now. But there are certainly some more glitches.

> Just trying to be helpful.

You were.
Please report if you see more inconsistencies. Or even better: Ask Ales for 
a login and correct the wiki by yourself.

Kai-Martin Knaak
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