On Sun, 2010-05-09 at 00:35 +0200, kai-martin knaak wrote:

> I removed the follow-up header with this posting. Does this work better for 
> youellw?

Yes, seems to work now, thanks.

> > Are you really sure?
> > 4 years ago this was true, so I have a nvidia card in my old box.
> Well, I intend to buy a new laptop and asked in de.comp.os.unix.misc what 
> graphic chips to prefer. People still were not very fond of ati. You may 
> read yourself:
> http://groups.google.com/group/de.comp.os.unix.linux.misc/browse_thread/thread/3e66f941a4d05798/4db2856a6fc24704?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&q=%22+Graphikchips+f%C3%BCr+OpenGL%22#4db2856a6fc24704
> Just last week I purchased a nvidia card for a box whose on-board graphics 
> failed. A freshly installed debian/lenny chose the generic vesa driver and 
> openGL ran with fairly decent frame rates. 

Well, Linux support of AMD/ATI may be not perfect now. But they offer
open sources and full specs for their cards. Some years ago we were only
dreaming about this. That was the time when Timothy Miller started his
open graphics project...

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