Thanks and DJ and John. Now I finally begin to feel comfortable with
   creating footprints in PCB.
   But I am still finding another problem with getting the whole pile to
   translate. I have made or downloaded several custom symbols and
   footprints. But not matter how many times I insert a gafrc into /gaf or
   /myproject, it still fails to help gsch2pcb find the custom footprints.
   For awhile, I was getting an error message saying possible unbalanced
   parenthesis, but that has gone away, even though I have not changed the
   parenthesis in either gafrc file. Only the project file seems to
   actually register when I use the double verbose mode, but even though
   the element-library is correctly mentioned, it is not searched when
   looking for footprints. Here is the gafrc in the /gaf directory:
   (component-library "/media/TOSHIBA/gaf/symbols")
   (element-library "/media/TOSHIBA/gaf/footprints")
   (element-library "/media/TOSHIBA/gaf/packages")
   And here is the one from the project directory
   (component-library "/media/TOSHIBA/gaf/symbols")
   (element-library "/media/TOSHIBA/gaf/footprints")
   (element-library "/media/TOSHIBA/gaf/packages")
   These are currently setup to run off my USB drive so that I can work
   off a KNOPPIX disk at work that has gschem and pcb, but the same files
   ar eon my home drive, with /media/TOSHIBA replaced with /home/mike.
   The project file is:
   component-library /media/TOSHIBA/gaf/symbols
   element-library /media/TOSHIBA/gaf/packages
   schematics ATMega164P_motherboard.sch ROV_2010_analog.sch
   ROV_2010_power.sch ROV_2010_Hydraulics.sch ROV_2010_I2C.sch
   ROV_2010_subprocesser.sch ROV_2010_camera.sch
   output -name ROV-2010_motherboard
   When processed, the verbose output is :
   Loading schematic
   Loading schematic
   Loading schematic
   Loading schematic
   Loading schematic
   Loading schematic
   Loading schematic
   Loading schematic
   Loading schematic
   Loading schematic
   Loading schematic
   Loading schematic
   Loading schematic
   Loading schematic
   Using the m4 processor for pcb footprints
   Loading schematic
   Loading schematic
   Loading schematic
   Loading schematic
   Loading schematic
   Loading schematic
   Loading schematic
   Reading project file: project
       component-library "/media/TOSHIBA/gaf/symbols"
       element-library "/media/TOSHIBA/gaf/packages"
       schematics "ATMega164P_motherboard.sch ROV_2010_analog.sch
   ROV_2010_power.sch ROV_2010_Hydraulics.sch ROV_2010_I2C.sch
   ROV_2010_subprocesser.sch ROV_2010_camera.sch"
       output "-name ROV-2010_motherboard"
   Adding /usr/share/pcb/pcblib-newlib to the newlib search path
   Adding /usr/share/pcb/newlib to the newlib search path
   Running command:
       gnetlist -g pcbpins -o ATMega164P_motherboard.cmd
   ATMega164P_motherboard.sch ROV_2010_analog.sch ROV_2010_power.sch
   ROV_2010_Hydraulics.sch ROV_2010_I2C.sch ROV_2010_subprocesser.sch
   Running command:
       gnetlist -g PCB -o
   ATMega164P_motherboard.sch ROV_2010_analog.sch ROV_2010_power.sch
   ROV_2010_Hydraulics.sch ROV_2010_I2C.sch ROV_2010_subprocesser.sch
   Default m4-pcbdir: /usr/share/pcb/m4
   gnet-gsch2pcb-tmp.scm override file:
       (define m4-pcbdir "/usr/share/pcb/m4")
       (define gsch2pcb:use-m4 #t)
   Running command:
       gnetlist -g gsch2pcb -o ATMega164P_motherboard.pcb -m
   gnet-gsch2pcb-tmp.scm ATMega164P_motherboard.sch ROV_2010_analog.sch
   ROV_2010_power.sch ROV_2010_Hydraulics.sch ROV_2010_I2C.sch
   ROV_2010_subprocesser.sch ROV_2010_camera.sch
   When looking for the first footprint that is in the /gaf/packages
   folder I get:
   CONN_2: need new file element for footprint  SCREW_TERMINAL-2.fp
       Searching directories looking for file element: SCREW_TERMINAL-2.fp
       Looking in directory: "/usr/share/pcb/pcblib-newlib"
         Searching: "/usr/share/pcb/pcblib-newlib" for
         Searching: "/usr/share/pcb/pcblib-newlib/minicircuits" for
                  : MINICIRCUITS_CD636.fp    No
                  : MINICIRCUITS_CA531.fp    No
         Searching: "/usr/share/pcb/pcblib-newlib/amphenol" for
                  : AMPHENOL_ARFX1229.fp    No
                  : AMPHENOL_ARFX1231.fp    No
                  : broken.html    No
         Searching: "/usr/share/pcb/pcblib-newlib/bourns" for
                  : BOURNS_3224W.png    No
                  : BOURNS_3224J.png    No
         Searching: "/usr/share/pcb/pcblib-newlib/panasonic" for
                  : PANASONIC_EXB34V.fp    No
                  : PANASONIC_EXBS8V.png    No
         Searching: "/usr/share/pcb/pcblib-newlib/candk" for
                  : CANDK_ES01MSABE.fp    No
                  : CANDK_ES02MSABE.fp    No
                  : CANDK_ES02MSABE.png    No
                  : CANDK_ES03MSABE.fp    No
                  : CANDK_ES03MSABE.png    No
                  : CANDK_ES01MSABE.png    No
                  : index.html    No
         Searching: "/usr/share/pcb/pcblib-newlib/geda" for
                  : RCY600.fp    No
                  : LQFP32_5.fp    No
                  : DB15M.png    No
         Searching: "/usr/share/pcb/pcblib-newlib/nichicon" for
                  : NICHICON_WT_CAP_5_5p4.png    No
                  : NICHICON_WT_CAP_8_5p4.png    No
         Searching: "/usr/share/pcb/pcblib-newlib/amp" for
                  : AMP_MICTOR_767054_5.png    No
                  : AMP_MICTOR_767054_6.png    No
         Searching: "/usr/share/pcb/pcblib-newlib/gtag" for
                  : conn_jtag.png    No
                  : sm0805.png    No
                  : sm0805.fp    No
                  : conn_usb.png    No
                  : sm1206.png    No
                  : conn_jtag.fp    No
                  : cy7c64603.png    No
                  : index.html    No
                  : sm1206.fp    No
                  : conn_usb.fp    No
                  : cy7c64603.fp    No
                  : index.html    No
         Searching: "/usr/share/pcb/pcblib-newlib/johnstech" for
                  : JOHNSTECH_QFN36_6.fp    No
                  : JOHNSTECH_QFN44_7.fp    No
         Searching: "/usr/share/pcb/pcblib-newlib/pci" for
                  : PCI5V_MAX_HEIGHT.png    No
                  : PCI5V_SMALL_HEIGHT.png    No
                  : PCI5V_MAX_HEIGHT.fp    No
                  : PCI5V_MIN_HEIGHT.fp    No
                  : index.html    No
                  : PCI5V_AVE_HEIGHT.fp    No
                  : PCI5V_SMALL_HEIGHT.fp    No
                  : PCI5V_MIN_HEIGHT.png    No
                  : PCI5V_AVE_HEIGHT.png    No
         Searching: "/usr/share/pcb/pcblib-newlib/connector" for
                  : 60.png    No
                  : 1MHz.fp    No
         Searching: "/usr/share/pcb/pcblib-newlib/cts" for
                  : CTS_743C_04.fp    No
                  : CTS_742C_16.png    No
         Searching: "/usr/share/pcb/pcblib-newlib/optek" for
                  : OPTEK_OVSRWACR6.fp    No
                  : index.html    No
                  : OPTEK_OVSRWACR6.png    No
         Searching: "/usr/share/pcb/pcblib-newlib/optical" for
                  : 6N137.fp    No
                  : 6N136.fp    No
         Searching: "/usr/share/pcb/pcblib-newlib/generic" for
                  : DIL 28.png    No
                  : EIA B.png    No
       Looking in directory: "/usr/share/pcb/newlib"
         Searching: "/usr/share/pcb/newlib" for "SCREW_TERMINAL-2.fp"
         Searching: "/usr/share/pcb/newlib/analog-devices" for
                  : ADC12138CIMSA    No
         Searching: "/usr/share/pcb/newlib/tests" for
                  : UART    No
                  : StrongARM_CPU    No
                  : MONOBLOCK_large    No
                  : monoblock_small    No
                  : Generic_TSOP48_Flash    No
                  : 14DIP_oval_pad    No
                  : TO99fromLED    No
                  : TK11950    No
         Searching: "/usr/share/pcb/newlib/electro-optics" for
                  : IRF_optical_switch    No
         Searching: "/usr/share/pcb/newlib/not_vetted_ingo" for
                  : pq32.ele    No
                  : smt0603.ele    No
         Searching: "/usr/share/pcb/newlib/connectors" for
                  : 72pin45degreeSIMMconnector    No
                  : MOLEX_miniFitJr-12pin    No
                  : RightAngleSMA    No
                  : 100_Pin_jack    No
                  : SJ-3523-SMT_3.5mm_stereo_jack    No
                  : Power_Jack    No
                  : 3terminal_screw_block    No
                  : 16x1_SMD_jack    No
         Searching: "/usr/share/pcb/newlib/headers" for
                  : 0.1_inch_10pin    No
                  : 2mm_8pin_header    No
                  : 0.1_inch_2pin    No
         Searching: "/usr/share/pcb/newlib/sockets" for
         Searching: "/usr/share/pcb/newlib/burr-brown" for
                  : OPA340_SOT23-5    No
         Searching: "/usr/share/pcb/newlib/keystone" for
                  : KEYSTONE_1062.fp    No
         Searching: "/usr/share/pcb/newlib/crystal" for
                  : CTX169_oscillator    No
         Searching: "/usr/share/pcb/newlib/2_pin_thru-hole_packages" for
                  : IRU1015-33CT_3.3V_reg_TO220    No
                  : CK05_type_Capacitor    No
                  : 0.125W_Carbon_Resistor    No
                  : 1W_Carbon_Resistor    No
                  : RN55_type_0.1W_Resistor    No
                  : T1.75_LED    No
                  : CK06_type_capacitor    No
         Searching: "/usr/share/pcb/newlib/msp430" for
                  : MSP430F1121+jtag    No
                  : MSP430F1121    No
   U18: added new m4 element for footprint   DIP14 (value=Or_gate)
   Obviously, it never searched /gaf/packages, even though that was
   reported when processing the project file.
    Am I doing something wrong with the format of the grafrc files? Do I
   need to modify the global one in /usr/share? So far I have been
   handling this by copying the files into the write protected
   /usr/share/pcb/pcblib-new/geda, but that does not work when running off
   a CD image, and should not need to be done if I understand the process
   correctly. Any suggestions?

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