On Jun 29, 2010, at 10:16 AM, John Doty wrote:

> On Jun 28, 2010, at 10:56 PM, kai-martin knaak wrote:
>> John Doty wrote:
>>> You're not thinking of reuse at the same level I am. Consider a Sallen-Key
>>> low pass filter. Why should we have to draw that more than once? Somebody
>>> could post a symbol along with a source schematic on gedasymbols, and then
>>> we could all use it.
>> see the block paragraph in my section of gedasymbols. E.g:
>> http://www.gedasymbols.org/user/kai_martin_knaak/symbols/block/opamp_with_booster.sym
> I was thinking more of a regular schematic, attached to something like 
> lowpass.sym with a source= attribute.
>> Currently, there is a catch, though:
>> The symbols are embedded in the schematic. The gschem GUI provides no way to 
>> get them out of the schematic. The unembed action simply fails, if it can't 
>> find a matching symbol in the local library. If it saved the symbols locally 
>> instead, embedding would provide a powerful way to distribute reusable 
>> circuits. The schematic itself knows best, which symbols it contains. No 
>> need for a separate application to collect symbols. No packaging of files 
>> required. Just a single *.sym file.
> I'm not fond of embedded symbols in most cases. I don't embed my .h files in 
> my .c files either. But since we have embedded symbols, orthogonal design 
> would suggest that they should be editable and extractable.
>>> But each application requires different component
>>> values, a different op amp, etc. So a file like:
>>> R1      value   51.1k
>>> U1      device  OP90
>> IMHO, it is nice to dream about perfect solutions. But we need to get the  
>> basics straight. The basics in this case is a way to distribute the symbols 
>> needed for a particular circuit without involving a whole infrastructure. Be 
>> it a data base, a whole library, or a set of design rules to adhere to.
> That isn't the issue I was trying to address here, and I don't find that 
> terribly burdensome. It's not much different from managing a software 
> project, with its include files, libraries, makefiles, etc. Indeed, many of 
> my gEDA projects include software components anyway, so the tools to manage 
> such collections of files are already in use.
> I simply do not understand why some find the "cram anything into one file" 
> attractive for anything but a very small, "throwaway" project. Modularity is 
> a good thing. Directories and files are excellent tools for organizing 
> modules.

It is useful for archival purposes as well.
If I want to share a design with the community in it's finished state, then I 
want it to be in a nice small bundle.
but when creating and working on it i want it as modular as possible.

>> That said, it looks like your are talking about using an editor for the the 
>> job gattrib does?
> No. gattrib is a "touch-up brush", good for manually fixing little problems, 
> but not an effective tool of automation.
>> That would be neat. Even better would be, if the file were 
>> in spread sheet format. Seems to me, gattrib has a hard time reinventing the 
>> spread sheet GUI wheel. The result feels pretty awkward when compared to 
>> gnumeric, oocalc and the like.
> Spreadsheets are a slick trap: easy to use, but massive time wasters. 
> Occasionally, a spreadsheet is effective for a small, simple problem, but 
> mostly see http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/fritterware.
>> How about this: Use the gschem parser of gattrib to synthesize an 
>> intermediate file in comma separated spread sheet format. Pipe this file to 
>> gnumeric/oocalc/whatever. The user manipulate values and attributes and 
>> saves.
> Violates the ideal flow sources->data products.
>> The non GUI gattrib application detects the changes and writes them 
>> back to the original gschem file.
> No. Don't corrupt your source file. When you want to annotate the schematic 
> with specific parameters (component values, slots, etc.) move *forward* to 
> that annotated file. Keep the source clean for reuse. Keep the parameter 
> source around so that make can regenerate the annotated product.

Would a cleared way be to express the source schematics as templates?

>> I haven't inspected the code yet. But I'd 
>> expect the this rewrite back-end to be already there in the gattrib source. 
>> If a user feels like not using a spread sheet application he or she can use 
>> scripting to manipulate the intermediate file as well.
> Better simply to generate the parameter file with a script straight up. For 
> the Sallen-Key example, have a script that converts frequency, Q, and 
> impedance to component values.
I'd like this script to have an interface that allows it to be called from 
gschem or other applications.

>> Ouups, I am guilty of dreaming about perfect solutions, too ;-)
>> ---<)kaimartin(>---
>> -- 
>> Kai-Martin Knaak
>> Öffentlicher PGP-Schlüssel:
>> http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x6C0B9F53
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> John Doty              Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.
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