On Tue, 2010-07-27 at 21:07 +0200, Armin Faltl wrote:
> Hm, appart from the fact, this is no good 0805-footprint, the below
> ------------------------------
> Element(0x00 "SMD 0805" "" "smd0805" 0 100 0 100 0x00)
> (
> #   Pad[x1, y1, x2, y2, thickness, clearance, mask, name , pad number, 
> flags]
>     Pad(1000um  0um  1000um  0um 600um "1" 0x00000100)
>     Pad(3000um  0um  3000um  0um 600um "2" 0x00000100)
>     Mark(2000um 0um)
> )
> ------------------------------
> should be a footprint with 2mm distance between pad-centers.
> If oppened with pcb v20091103, the distance is apparently 200mm.
> Any comments welcome ;-)

This is very, very old obsolete style (round brackets, Mark
statement, ...), so units may not be supported for that old format. Of
course we should get an error messages then.

Please see



or other recent documentation.

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