On Aug 7, 2010, at 1:16 PM, Stefan Salewski wrote:

> Unfortunately  we
> need gnetlist with guile to transfer information.

Gnetlist is the *key* utility in the flow. That's what makes it possible for 
gEDA to support abstract circuit analysis, simulation, VLSI design, and of 
course, printed circuit design with a wide variety of tools, including pcb.

If gEDA wasn't so flexible, pcb couldn't use it for schematic capture, because 
pcb has nothing like that flexibility.

Guile? An implementation of Scheme, one of the simplest, easiest to learn 
programming languages around. A major factor in gEDA's radical flexibility.

Without the capability "gnetlist with guile" brings here, neither you nor I 
would be using gEDA.

John Doty              Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

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