John Doty wrote:

>> Unfortunately, it is just that -- a pin remapping facility. Slotting in
>> other EDA packages allows for much more: Different symbols that belong to
>> the same entity.
> We have no need for that.
 Who is this "we"?

> It "just works" without any special facility.

It barely works. 
That is, if the user is well trained and knows his library by heart. 
I teach geda to newbies and need to tell them way more details than 
necessary for the task.

>> Hints on which sub-symbols a layout application might swap.
> Is that really necessary? I don't think so.

Auto-router need to know which slots it is not to touch. A human layouter 
also benefits from this information being available in the layout 
application. Currently, slot swapping is such a hassle that  I rarely do it 
and the auto router cannot do it at all. This is pretty rigid.

>> And more.
> More things to trip over, you mean.

Can't argue with prejudice.

>> Compared to this, geda slotting is pathetically rigid.
> How so?

See the top of this mail.

> gEDA is the epitome of flexibility here: "anything goes".

No it is not. Even simple things like footprint  names have a pretty rigid 
syntax to adhere to. The workflow breaks in cryptic ways if they are not 

>> In addition, there is no way to trigger reslotting from outside the GUI.
> Pretty trivial to write an AWK script to do so.

No, it is not. gnetlist munging the refdeses makes it far from trivial. 

Kai-Martin Knaak
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