
i have different pcbs, that i want to submit to a manufacturer, that
allows "nutzen"/tiled pcbs.
dj wrote some scripts to do this (pcb2panel etc. see
http://www.gedasymbols.org/user/dj_delorie/). but those trigger a pcb
bug, when i rotate some of the outlined pcbs when calling panel2pcb
(and when opening the eventually created pcb afterwards).
namely it outputs "Error while clipping PBO_SUB: 3" and removes away a
polygon (created by MorphPolygon(Selected)).
i'll try to investigate and submit a bug report with a simple example

i then tried some python scripts by andrew sterian named gerbmerge
(http://claymore.engineer.gvsu.edu/~steriana/Python/gerbmerge), which
would be nice because it can autoplace the boards while optimizing the
space used.
it has problems with pcb's drill files, because it seems to require a
(non-)leading zero indicator in the "INCH"-line. error message was
'...   File "...gerbmerge-1.6/gerbmerge/jobs.py", line 699, in parseExcellon
raise RuntimeError, 'File %s has uninterpretable line:\n  %s' % (fullname, line)
RuntimeError: File ../testboard/export/board.unplated-drill.cnc has 
uninterpretable line:
either changing the inch line to "INCH,TZ" or patching jobs.py line 88
from "xzsup_pat = re.compile(r'^INCH,([LT])Z$')..."
to   "xzsup_pat = re.compile(r'^INCH(,([LT])Z)?$')..."
make it work.
only remaining problem is, that it does only support a single drill
file per board and i have both plated and unplated holes...

what are your experiences, what do you use?
Kind regards, Stefan Tauner

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