I don't need your sympathy while I definitely would welcome it
and see your point. I didn't sleep the (whole) last 20 years
and wrote some code that I shared - not much since I didn't have
that much time.
Some code I wrote comprises a competitive advantage as I see it
and it's partly based other code I shared and on code like
gnu libc via linking. Maybe as long as I don't sell my non-free
code but just use it in house to compute results GPL doesn't bite,
but I don't want to be restricted in that way either.

The have your cake and eat it applies to my time too:
you can't convince me to share what I have now and
force me to give away what I may need to live from tomorrow.

Peter TB Brett wrote:
On Sat, 14 Aug 2010 00:23:10 +0200, Armin Faltl <armin.fa...@aon.at> wrote:
I want to contribute or give away what I want to and keep
my own what I want to keep and if this is not possible with a
GPL-license on my own library liked to my own app, I just won't use GPL!"

If you want to distribute non-Free software that uses Free software
components, I have no sympathy for you whatsoever.  You want to have your
cake (use high-quality libraries for which you get source code and don't
have to pay a penny to distribute as part of your software) and eat it too
(not have to comply with the request that you make your software Free as

Why are you surprised that you can't use Free software to write non-Free
software?  The *whole point* of the GPL is to not only preserve but expand
the Free software ecosystem.  Have you been asleep for the last 20 years?


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