Hi all, 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: geda-user-boun...@moria.seul.org 
> [mailto:geda-user-boun...@moria.seul.org] On Behalf Of Armin Faltl
> Sent: Monday, August 16, 2010 5:16 PM
> To: gEDA user mailing list
> Subject: Re: gEDA-user: pcb keyboard shortcuts (and usability 
> in general)
> Andrew Poelstra wrote:
> > This problem prompted me to suggest redoing the layer selector 
> > entirely to clean up the code, which in turn spawned the 
> > workspace/functional block discussion.
> >   
> Since you want to do away with the radio buttons left of the 
> layers for activating I suppose you want use left-click for 
> activate (like Kai-Martin every 10th attempt I inadvertently 
> do this anyway). A means to switch visibility must be found:
> once a right-click popup is assigned to the layer buttons, 
> this would just be one of the properties, until then, how 
> about using right-click or middle-click?
> Thinking of a way to display the extent of vias (for burried 
> vias) a bar left of the layers showing a bronze color strip 
> connecting the start and end layer makes sense to me. It's 
> similiar to a scrollbar but in reality could consist of 
> simple boxes with changing background color.
> The active layer could be shown with the corresponding button 
> depressed.
> Cycling through visibility states can change the button 
> background color:
>     normal ................................... visible, full 
> saturation
>     darkish grey + bright text ..... greyed out
>     very dark + bright text .......... invisible
> Getting caught by a fixed start and end layer for vias while 
> routing on a different layer not in that range, it's probably 
> practical to have a setting 'via starts at current layer' - 
> using it may be a tradeoff between manufacturing cost and 
> ease of routing.
> ( what happens if I want via_1 from layer 2<->4 and via_2 
> from layer 3<->5?
> ok, via_1 probably starts as blind while glueing  layer 2,3,4 
> , 1st metalization, then glueing layer 5 makes via_1 burried, 
> 2nd metalization connects layer 5 with layer 3,4 on via_2 -  
> with multiple drilling, sounds expensive ;-)

Maybe a single button would do to open a popup dialog to alter layer

Maybe something like this screenshot from AutoCAD:


Just the 5 left columns and the right most would do the trick.


Bert Timmerman.

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