Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
George M. Gallant, Jr. wrote:

1. Is there a tutorial on how to use hierarchy in gschem/pcb?

Hmm, the tutorial by Bill Wilson covers multiple schematics but the not hierarchical schematics. And DJs effort seems to be not yet there. A tutorial dedicated to hierarchical schematics is waiting for someone
to step up and write.

The quick answer is to look at an example.  Email me directly
and I'll send you a zipped up project dir that should work independently of
your setup -- has all libraries for gschem and pcb defined locally.
When you look at the files with attribs attached for symbols that have 
it will all make sense.  Then you can "make yours like that one" and be done.
I have a plan to make a few website pages on this, but still hung up
at the stage of learning content management system for it.

There's a script modified for John Luciani's you might try for naming subcells:

DJ's renumber of selected sets of objects in pcb is another way to go.

Ecosensory   Austin TX

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